Dark Horse Pub Summer Dart League 2005 Standings
Weekly Standings can be found on WWW.OEDL.COM
Weekly Standings Week 7 ==================================================================================
# Team Name Won Lost T:Wins T:Lost P.P. Total 1 Rich’s Pitches 5 4 45 18 0 45 2 Suzi’s Shots 7 2 37 26 0 37 3 Bill’s Johnson 2 7 28 35 0 28 4 Anne’s The McPip's 4 5 28 35 0 28 5 Ruben’s Rumrunners 4 5 27 36 0 27 6 Brian’s Dartaholics 5 4 24 39 0 24
$$$ Congrats to David Moscariello for winning $45.00 in the 50/50 $$$
Hot Babe of the Week Chris Cofield - Winning 4 out of her 5 matches and helping her team come close; Almost upsetting the # 1 team the Pitches.
Leader Board
Out Shot Leaders Ton 71+s Jim McDonald 15 Paul Cofield 177 Rich Cinque, Ryan Schamp, Bob Bennett each with 13 Paul Cofield, Will Lambrako each with 12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ High On (Top 3) High Off Ruben Macias 110 Will Lambrakos 155 Ryan Handke 106 Bob Bennett 101 Bill Johnson 104 Will Lambrakos 84 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *****Important Messages*****
Please remember to fill out the Score sheet legibly and circle all out-shots so they can be recorded. Don’t forget to look at WWW.OEDL.COM for up to date Dart information.
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